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How do we understand what God has planned for our lives?


Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord

We know that God has a plan for our lives because he tells us so in the bible. But it isn't always easy understanding what he has planned for us. So, how do we know and understand what it is? We need to realise that everything we do here on Earth won't last forever. Therefore, whatever God wants us to do with our lives will have an impact on our eternal life with Him. To understand his plans for us, we need to have an eternal perspective.

An eternal perspective is being able to look at our lives as not ending after death. Sometimes we like to imagine life ends after we die. But we know that it doesn't! Jesus came to Earth to tell us that if we believe in Him and take up our cross and follow him, we will have eternal life in Heaven. So, if we want to understand what God wants us to do in life, we must always remember that it won't involve temporary Earthly things. I would be pointless to spend our lives striving for people's approvals, or to have the most money out of all of your friends, because in the end, none of that matters!

If you feel like God is calling you to do something but you aren't sure if it's really from Him. Ask yourself, will doing this for the rest of my life lead to something I can take with me into an eternal life with Jesus? Will I live my life doing something that makes an impact on people's lives in a positive way? Will what I do further God's Kingdom?

Keep an eternal perspective, so that you will be able to follow God's path He has planned especially for you.


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